
52 Object Lessons - One Year of Bible Lessons for Kids (PDF)

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52 Object Lessons - One Year of Bible Lessons for Kids (PDF)


52 Object Lessons

One Year of Bible Lessons for Kids

by Josh and Kirsten Combs

When you purchase this ebook, you will receive one file - a 86-page PDF file of 52 Object Lessons

This is a digital product only. No physical product will be exchanged.

For any questions, please email Josh@kidminrocket.com

In this eBook, you will find (you guessed it) 52 Object Lessons that you can use in many different settings: kids church, Sunday School, VBS, etc. Each lesson comes with a corresponding scripture and a main idea that connects to a simple object that can usually be found at home or easily attained. There also internal links throughout the PDF which make it easy to navigate.

Feel free to look at this eBook as a moldable resource. Even if you do not teach them exactly as written, you can adjust these lessons so they best fit your learning style and students! 

We pray this resource makes your ministry to children more effective and that God continues to bless your efforts. - Josh and Kirsten Combs

See an sample of 52 Object Lessons below:

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